Secure Programming of Resource Constrained Devices

Slides of a presentation I held in Warsaw, 16 January 2018.

  • Causes of embedded systems vulnerabilities and weaknesses

  • Dealing with malicious input and integrating this in the development process

  • Explanation of Rust programming technology and system response testing

Note taking with Pandoc

This project is discontinued. Please use tp-note instead. The code of tp-note is more generic, works with all markup languages (including Markdown).

Markup languages like Markdown, ReStructuredText, textile, txt2tags or mediawiki are perfectly suited for fast note taking. Type your notes with your favorite editor, chose your favorite markup language and view them with Chromium, Chrome or Firefox .

All you need is the pandoc-note script, the Pandoc format converter, an editor of your choice and Chromium, Chrome or Firefox as live previewer. If not available, pandoc-note also works without pandoc.

Install Adobe-Air Applications in Wine

Many older educational study materials do only support Windows. For example the German editor Hüber produced many of its language programs with Adobe AIR. Unfortunately Adobe abandoned AIR for Linux a long time ago. Since then there was no way to run Adobe AIR applications on Linux machines. The improvements in wine 1.8 together with some wine-tricks now allows Adobe AIR applications to run with wine. This note explains the setup.