Conference talk at DSS ITSEC 2018: Forensic-Tool Development with Rust

This talk hold in Riga at DSS ITSEC 2018 – 9th Annual International Cyber Security Conference is about technology assessment and a case study evaluating the suitability of Rust in Digital Forensics.

Within the framework of this study the suitability of the Rust ecosystem for forensic tool development was evaluated. As case study, the tool Strings­ext was developed. Starting from analysing the specific requirements of forensic software in general and those of the present case study, all stages of the software development life-cycle have been executed, up to the first production release.

Bucket-NAS: Set up an encrypted NAS on Odroid-C2 or Rasbperry 3 with OpenMediaVault (OVM)

This note explains how to set up a cheap Raid 1 NAS with an Odroid or Rasbperry board and two USB-harddisks using OpenMediaVault. Only very cheap and largely available hardware components are used. When very high availability is required it is recommended to hold available a second Oroid/Rasbperry board with a mirrored SD-card containing the NAS operating system. In this way the system has no single point of failure.

Java at school / Java à l'école

Java at school / Java à l'école is a collection of self-learning Java exercises in French for A-level students.

Java à l’école est un recueil d’exercices pour débutants sans connaissances d’autres langages de programmation. Contrairement à d’autres méthodes didactiques les exercices introduisent directement les bases de la programmation orientée objet en respectant le concept de programmation "Architecture Modèle/Vue/Contrôleur".