This project is discontinued. Please use tp-note instead. The code of tp-note is more generic, works with all markup languages (including Markdown).

Markup languages like Asciidoc are perfectly suited for quick note taking. Type your notes with your favourite editor, view and browse them with Chromium, Chrome or Firefox.

All you need is the adoc-note script and Chromium, Chrome or Firefox with the Chrome Asciidoctor.js Live Preview extension or the Firefox Asciidoctor.js Live Preview extension.

adoc-note runs under Linux and Windows1. The script operates in four modes depending on it's options:

New note:

  • Creates a new context depending .adoc note file.

Edit notes:

  • Launches an editor.

View notes:

  • Launches a live previewer (Firefox, Chrome of Chromium).

Sync filename:

  • Renames the filename to be in sync with the document’s title.

The project is hosted on Github:

Read more online or download a pdf-rendition of the documentation.

Download the scripts here.


MacOsX ships with the BSD sed tool which is not compatible with GNU sed. Workaround: run in rst-note`` in busybox`.