********************************* Note taking with reStructuredText ********************************* .. important:: This project is discontinued. Please use `tp-note`_ instead. The code of `tp-note` is generic and works with all markup languages. .. _tp-note: http://blog.getreu.net/projects/tp-note/ Markup languages like ``reStructuredText`` are perfectly suited for quick note taking. Type your notes with your favourite editor, view and browse them with ``Chromium``, ``Chrome`` or ``Firefox``. All you need is the so called ``rst-note`` ash-script, the python packages restview_, docutils_, pygments_ and any browser of your choice: Chromium, Chrome or Firefox. .. _pygments: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pygments .. _restview: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/restview .. _docutils: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/docutils This is the documentation of the ``bin/rst-note`` program. ``rst-note`` runs under Linux and Windows. [#]_ The script operates in four modes depending on it’s options (see ): :New note: Creates a new context depending *rst* note file. :Edit notes: Launches an editor. :View notes: Launches a live-previewer (Firefox, Chrome of Chromium). :Sync filename: Renames the filename to be in sync with the document’s title. The project is hosted on Github: restructuredtext-notetaking_. .. _restructuredtext-notetaking: https://github.com/getreu/restructuredtext-notetaking .. [#] MacOsX ships with the ``BSD sed`` tool which is not compatible with ``GNU sed``. Workaround: run in ``rst-note`` in `busybox`. .. excerpt-end **Quickstart:** 1. Read the installation guide for :ref:`Linux` or :ref:`Windows`. 2. Read about the 2 most common use cases in :ref:`how students take notes`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Table of contents: :numbered: body .. raw:: latexpdf \clearpage .. only:: builder_html Indices and tables ================== .. * :ref:`genindex` .. * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. * :ref:`glossary` .. .. only:: not builder_html